Valokuitua läheltä kuvattuna.

Valoo Fiber Optic Cabling

Pure fiber cabling – straight to your house.

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Valoon tietosuojaseloste. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms apply.

Hi! We are Valoo.

We build and operate 100% fiber-optic networks across the country. Our commitment is to bring the fiber-optic network to your neighborhood, as long as you and your neighbors are ready to get on-board and we receive a sufficient number of orders in your area. Our mission is to make fiber connection affordable for everyone. We believe a right to fiber is a basic right.

Building the cabling to a property is a costly construction project and is usually priced at 2490 €. Our approach is revolutionary as we offer the installation of the cabling for free, you pay 0 €. By choosing us, you only pay and commit to our Fiber Internet Service Contract of 12 months. Prices for the fixed term contracts start at 418,80 €/12 months.

Our aim is to establish long lasting customer relations as an internet provider, not just a fiber construction company.

Isä, äiti ja lapsi pelaavat sohvalla peliä.
Kaksi kypäräpäistä valokuidun asentajaa asentamassa valokuitua.

Why fiber internet?

In today’s ever digitalising world, a stable home internet connection is as essential of a daily convenience as is electricity, heating or plumbing. Intrernet connection powered by fiber cabling is super fast and always reliable regardless of weather conditions, number of users or how hard you surf.

Fiber-optic cable runs underground, safe from interferences. It consists of hair-thin glass fibers in which data is transmitted by light and so – at light speed. It is the only internet type that has a practically unlimited capacity and provides symmetrical speeds for downloads as fast as uploads. Durability and mostly low maintenance also make it environmentally friendly.

Mobile connections, like 4G or 5G, are not technically capable of sustaining the constantly growing data consumption. Unlike a mobile connection, that requires upgrading and building the next generation of infrastructure every few years (5G is not even in wide use yet and already there is talk of 6G), a fiber-optic network, once installed, will last up to a hundred years.

What does it cost?

Here is what we offer:

1. Cabling construction fee is 0 € (normally 2490 €) and covers cabling straight to your house. Construction fee includes trench work on the yard, optical network terminal (ONT) installation in your house and running the fiber cable from your premises towards the larger fiber network.

2. Connection fee is also 0 € and includes connecting your property to the fiber network, when the construction of the area is completed and network starts operating. One Mesh WiFi-router is also included. Connection fee is charged (if a charge is applicable) only once the internet subscription is activated.

You have 12 months time to activate your monthly internet subscription, counting from the day your property is connected to the network. This ensures flexibility, in case you have a previous binding internet subscription.

3. Your only commitment is the internet subscription itself, with the prices starting at only 897,60 € over the two year fixed-term-contract.

That’s right! Two years of super fast fiber internet for less than half of what the construction fee alone normally costs. If after two years you are, for some reason, unhappy with your fiber-fast and consistently reliable internet, then you are free to unsubscribe your monthly plan without any extra charges.

Your property will remain equipped with fiber cabling, which increases the real estate value, yet requires no up keeping costs. You can always join back to our services. It’s risk-free!

Valokuidun asentaja asentamassa valokuitua pihalla.
Metsä ja puun rungot kuvattuna alhaalta ylöspäin.

Interested? Get in touch with us!

Call us at 09 3154 3060 (Open weekdays 8–18 & Saturdays 10–16. Local network charge/mobile call is charged) or contact us via e-mail at

Or check availability and make an order at our website (currently only in Finnish).

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